Summer Workshop: Tall Tales & Tall Songs

North Valley Music School presents

Tall Tales & Tall Songs: an evening of Songs with Bill Rossiter

Thursday, June 22
Doors 5:30 pm
Songs 6 pm
Northwest Montana History Museum, Kalispell MT

Lewis and Clark wandered through Montana looking dreaming of a Northwest Passage. Then they went home.

Homesteaders, hunters, adventurers and gold-seekers, following a different kind of dream, wandered into the West, too. And they stayed.

Braving the wilderness with hand tools, ox-drawn wagons and a bucket of hope, these travelers started out singing hopeful songs about the land of milk and honey.

By the time they’d settled on their claims they were singing home-made and often hilarious songs about alkali water, grasshopper plagues, chickens with the pip, leaky sod huts and sharing a bed with a chummy centipede.

This concert features both the Milk and Honey and Alkalai and Centipede songs, plus the stories that accompany them (Some are even true!)

Performed by Kalispell Smorgas-Bard Bill Rossiter, Bill accompanies the songs with guitar, banjo, autoharp, tonsils, and various ungainly kitchen and laundry utensils. About his singing, critics have raved, “Yikes,” and “Hmmm,” and “What the ?&?”

This music appreciation and music appreciation event is free and open to the public thanks to a grant to North Valley Music School from Humanities Montana.

No RSVP necessary. Just show up!