Support music in our Annual Appeal

Thanks to your support, NVMS is able to bring vital music education to our community. You also enable us to offer free group classes, music therapy, veterans programs, and instrument rentals. Thank you!

As we approach our 25th Anniversary in 2022, we are inspired by the legacy entrusted to us and strengthened by your commitment to our shared vision. The foundation of NVMS is strong and lies within all of you.

The Annual Appeal is a vital source of revenue for NVMS. Comprising an important percentage of the school’s annual budget, the Annual Appeal supports every aspect of our operations, programs, students, staff, and our long-term stability.

There are countless reasons to support the arts. Whether you are passionate about early childhood education, the arts, our free group programs, our instrument lending library, local economic opportunities for musicians, or our intergenerational approach to music education, NVMS would be honored to have YOUR support.

Thank you so much for supporting the arts and music in our world.

Donate today!